Chibbyr Vael (118) – Michael


Chibbyr Vael, Kirk Michael.  St Michae’s Well.

Situated in the angle formed by the junction of the Awin Dhoo with the Sulby river, near Druidale farm, Michael.


1) W Walter Gill, A Manx Scrapbook, 1929
2) Note:  In relation to Carn Vael (Michael’s Cairn), Gill also states in the same publication, ‘The well near it is Saint Michael’s Well.’  Carn Vael is about 2000m away as the crow flies so some distance away.  It is uncertain if he is referring to a further well dedicated to Michael nearer to the Carn or this one.


The well is now under the Sulby Reservoir.




NLS OS 6″ Sheet VII Surveyed: 1869 Published: 1870


If you have any information on this well please contact me and quote well record number (118) as this will help identify which well you are referring too.