Well, Ballachrink Croft (227) – Bride
Well, Ballachrink Croft, Ballacorey Road, Bride.
The well was discovered during building works and so far appears to be brick-lined with some of the bricks possibly made in Peel/Glenfaba and the red ones may be local to Ballacorey – there were two brick kilns further along the road.
At the time of visiting in April 2021, the well has been partly dug out as it had been filled in with soil. In the shaft of the well a large, hockey stick shaped pipe was recovered with the smaller end having holes in it. It is likely this was part of a mechanism for drawing up water to the surface.
The well will be re-instated as a functioning well and was originally likely to have been a domestic well.
Thank you to the owners for the invitation to visit and see the well.
The well is on the Ballacorey Road, Bride in the grounds of a private dwelling.
Private property, please obtain landowners’ permission.
NLS OS 6″ Isle of Man Sheet III Surveyed: 1869, Published: 1870. The well is not on the OS and there is no spring indicated in the area.
What3Words: surveyors.ticketed.interviewing. Toggle to satellite view by clicking on globe bottom r/h corner. (approx. location)
If you have any information on this well please contact me and quote well record number (227) as this will help identify which well you are referring too.