Tag Archive for: Domestic Well

Well (238) – Onchan

Information Well, visible from Governor's Road, Onchan.  Likely…

Well (237) – Bride Road, Lezayre

Information Well, on the Bride Road, Lezayre. The well is…

Well (236) – Ronague

Information Well, Ronague. A stone built well that is covered…

Well (235) – Ballavarvane, St Marks

Information Well, Ballavarvane Farmhouse, St Marks. This…

Well (232) – Port St Mary

Information Well, Howe Road, Port St Mary. A stone built,…

Well (231) – Cregneash

Information Well, Cregneash village. Walking down from Ned…

Well (230) – Cregneash

Information Well, Cregneash village. The well is accessed…

Well, Upper Ballahane Cottage (229) – Port St Mary

Information Well, Upper Ballahane Cottage, Port St Mary.  Per…

Well, Ballacallum Red Gates (225) – Andreas

Information Well, Ballacallum Red Gates, The Lhen, Andreas. An…

Well, Ballachrink Croft (227) – Bride

Information Well, Ballachrink Croft, Ballacorey Road, Bride. The…

Well, Goldies Loughan (226) – Jurby East

Information Well, Goldies Loughan, Jurby East. It was lovely…

Orryside Well (216) – Colby

Information Orryside Well, Main Road, Colby. This well in…

Ballawyllin Well (214) – East Baldwin

Information Well, Ballawyllin Farm, East Baldwin. A domestic…

Yeaman’s Well (150) – Peel

Information Yeaman's Well, Peel.   Opposite the east…

Chester Farm Well (96) – Michael

Information Chester Farm Well, Kirk Michael.  Catalogue…

Ballacowle Beg (212) – Bride

Information Well, Ballacowle Beg, Bride.  An attempt has…

Chibbyr Vaarley (211) – Andreas

Information Chibber Vaarley, on Ballakelly, Andreas.  Well…

Yon’s Well (152) – Port Erin

Information Yon's Well, Port Erin.  John's Well. Per Roeder,…

Hanover St/Lord St (210) – Douglas

Information Brick-lined well Hanover Street/Lord Street, Douglas. Possibly…

Chibbyr Aspick (208) – Peel

Information Chibbyr Aspick, Peel Castle, Peel.  Bishop's Well. Improvements…

Billy McLean’s Well (199) – Ramsey

Information Billy McLean's Well, rear of Waggett's Yard, Church…

Castletown Pump (200) – Malew

Information This sketch is by John Flower (artist of Leicester)…

Glencrutchery Well (53) – Conchan

Information Glen Crutchery Well, Conchan. "So you have not…

Chibbyr Hidee (58) – Castletown

Information Chibbyr Hidee, Castletown, Malew.  Tide/Tidal Well. There…

Chibbyr Feeayr (42) – Malew

Information Chibbyr Feeayr, Cronkbreck, Grenaby, Malew.  Cold…

Big Well (13) – Douglas

Information The Big Well, Douglas. It stood at the top of…