List of Isle of Man Wells
A Collection of Named and Unnamed Wells from Various Written and Oral Sources
Below is the current list of wells which continues to have records added to it. Records are not in alphabetical order and inclusions are/will be from various sources e.g. W Walter Gill’s list and references in his three Manx Scrapbooks (1929, 1932 and 1962); Cyril Paton’s Manx Calendar Customs (1946), the Manx Archaeological Survey Reports, Manx Folk-life Survey, IOMPRO, miscellaneous publications, oral information etc.
Most wells will eventually have an individual record and to access a record, please click on the well name if it has a link. A record will attempt to provide the following:
- information about the well – sourced from books, documents, oral tradition or following a site visit
- a well’s location and access – if a well’s location is known and it has public access this will be provided. If the well is on private land, its location may be withheld at the landowner’s request. A record will clearly state whether access is available or not
- a well category/categories – e.g. if it was recorded as a fairy well, healing well, holy well, wine well, domestic well, flax well, wishing well etc
- photographs/video/artwork – if available
- links – to further information
~ Ber Weyde
No. Well Name Location (if known) Source Comment 1
Chibber AirOn Croit ny Howe, Clay Head, Lonan Gill 1929 Usually translated as 'Gold Well' 2 Chibber yn Argid Patrick Gill 1929 Well of the Silver 3
Chibber yn ArraghBallarragh, Lonan Gill 1929 Per Gill – Well of the good ploughland. Two roadside wells of this name 4 Auleaugh Kirk Michael Gill 1929 See Bishop's Well 5 Ballachrink Well Conchan Gill 1929 6 Chibber Ballacrele Rowany Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - now filled in. aka Ballakneale Well, an old quarterland name. Was near the site of a keeill.
Per Paton - alternative spelling, 'Ballacreale'. 7 Ballacross Well Ballacross, Arbory Gill 1929 Per Gill - Still used by Arbory Church in 1916. The well stood by a cross where all christenings used to be made. 8 Ballig Well Conchan Gill 1929 Believed to ebb and flow in sympathy with the tide. 9 Chibbyr Barraharstal Harstal, Patrick Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - Used exclusively by fishermen due to location 10 Chibber Baltane NE of Bradda Mooar Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - Also recorded as Chibber Valthane, Voltane, Oltane, Beltaine or Ny Tain. Meaning of name not provided.
Per Paton - This is a sacred well.
Per IOM Wells - Rediscovered 2020. Recorded as a rag well (healing), fairy well and possibly a holy well. 11 Chibber y Bet Ballarragh, Lonan Gill 1929 Named for Betty Caley living nearby. 12 Betty's Well Seafield, Santon Gill 1929 Seafield is now known as Arragon House. Named after Betty Kneale. Visited by fishermen to secure luck. 13 Big Well (the) Big Well St, Douglas Gill 1929 Following Lord Street and Shaws Brow redevelopment, the well no longer exists. 14 Chibber Billy Dee Cregneish Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - D-shaped well. Best water in the village. Continued to be largely patronised in the first quarter of the 20th century. 15 Bishop's Well (the) Bishop's Glen, Michael Gill 1929 16 Chibber Bob Cregneish, Rushen Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill, of the usual domestic kind. 17 Chibber Boghtyn Gill 1929 Pauper's Well 18 Brandy Well (the) Near Junction of Baldwin & Laxey Gill 1929 AKA Chibber Slieau Maggle 19 Brewhouse Well (the) Castletown Gill 1929 Mentioned in an extract from the Will of Cath. Halsall, dated 23 Aug. 1758. 20 Chibber Brott In the Doctor's Wood, Glen Aldyn, Lezayre Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - Its water was used for bathing the eyes and other parts of the body. 'Befouled Well'? -broighit. Otherwise 'Broth Well'.
Per Paton - who states this is known to be a sacred well. 21 Chibber Catreeney On the shore, Port Erin Gill 1929; Paton 1942 (St) Catherine's Well 22 Chibber Catreeney Bell Abbey, Arbory Gill 1929; Paton 1942 (St) Catherine's Well. Per Gil - Catherine's or Colby Fair used to be held here on 25 Nov (OC), later 6 Dec. 23 Chibbyr y Chiarn At the head of Glen Dhoo, Ballaugh and/or on Slieau Curn Gill 1929; imuseum Custom of visiting on Old Midsummer's Day. 'Lord's Well' 24 Chibber y Chiarn SE corner of field called Magher y Chiarn, Marown Gill 1929 Visited in 2020 but unable to locate the well. The area is overgrown with thick gorse. 25 Ny Chibberyn Cronk ny Chibberagh, Ballachrink, Patrick Gill 1929 'The Wells'. Roadside stream-fed basins. 26 Chibber y Chree Baney aka Chibbyr Cree-Bane In the mountains south of Ballaugh Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - Mentioned in the Rev W Kermode's MS Account of the parish. 27 Chibber y Chrink In Garey y Cleragh, Maughold Gill 1929 28 Christian's Well Peel Gill 1929 The surname Christian 29 Chibber ny Clara On Baare ny Clara, Cornaa Mill, Maughold Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Well of the Plank Bridge'. 30 Chibber Coan y Chleiy Rises in Coan y Chleiy, Corvalley, Rushen Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - 'Well of the valley of the hedge'. Photographs submitted by Katie Newton. 31 Chibber ny Craue A mountain well Gill 1929 Per Gill - Visited every first Sunday in August. Location unknown.
32 Chibber ny Creg Ballelby, Patrick Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - 'Well of the rock'. 33 Crogga Well Crogga, Santon Gill 1929 Formerly a 'Fairy Well'. Now partly drained and damaged as a thing of beauty. 34 Chibber Cronk Espart Shenvalley, Rushen Gill 1929 'Evening-hill well'. 35 Chibber Cronk Quinney or Chonney On the west side of Perwick, Rushen Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - 'Gorse hill well' or 'Quinney's hill well'. 36 Chibber Crosslan or Crashlan Cregneish, Rushen Gill 1929 37 Chibber Donean Baldrine, Laxey Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - 'Donncadh's (Duncan's) Well'.
Per Paton - 'Donkan'. 38 Chibbyr Drine North of Langness farmhouse, Malew Gill 1929; Paton 1942 'Thorn tree well. 39 Farrane Fing (the) At Braid Farrane Fing, Slieau Ruy, Lonan Gill 1929 'Clear spring'. 40 Fairy Well, (the) Thalloo Holt, Slieau Rea, Lonan Gill 1929 Two spring-wells fill two little pools. Fairy story associated with this. 41 Fairy Well (the) At the Fairy bridge and ford near Oakhill, Braddan Gill 1929 42 Chibbyr Feeayr Cronkbreck, Grenaby, Malew Gill 1929; Paton 1942 'Cold Well'.
Per IOM Wells - Visited in 2019. Accessible to public and still in very good condition. 43 Chibber Feeyney On Lheeaney Fheeyney, Ballacree, Bride Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - Possibly 'wine well' but 'leeyney' occurs in other Manx place-names and the meaning is not always clear. 44 Chibber Feeyney Somewhere on the north side of the glen. Glen Roy, Lonan Gill 1929; Paton 1942 45 Chibber ny Ferrishyn In Close ny Ferrishyn, Gob y volley, Lezayre Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - 'Well of the Fairies'. 46 Chibbyr Folta/Volta Stood close to the old lighthouse at the north end of the beach, Port Erin Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - Aka Chibber Volta. Now covered and piped. 47 Chibber ny Gabbyl About 300 yards NE of Meayll Circle, Rushen Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - 'Well of the horse (or horses)'. The Fairies had an exhibition at this well. 48 Chibber ny Garey Dhoo Cregneish, Rushen Gill 1929 'Well of the dark wasteland'. 49 Chibber y Geayee Above Goby y Volley, Lezayre Gill 1929 'Well of the Wind'. 50 Geill (the) At the Rule, Sulby, Lezayre Gill 1929 'Geill' = spring. 51 Chibber y Geill Rhenab, Maughold Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Well of the spring'. A bubbling well.
52 Chibber yn Ghlion Glen Down, near Port Erin Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Well of the Glen'. Once a picturesque draw-well, but recently destroyed by the tenant. 53 Glencrutchery Well Conchan Gill 1929 Per Gill - resident supernatural protector; a Fairy Well 54 Chibber Ghlion ny Cain Spaldrick, near Port Erin Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - 'Cain's-glen well' or possibly 'Sea-glen well'. A domestic well. 55 Chibber Gorran Between Agneash and Croit ny Claghbane, Lonan Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - The Gaelic 'garran' means a thicket or shrubbery but there is nothing of the kind there now. A likelier explanation is the Manx 'garron' a pony.
Per Paton - this is listed as a sacred well. 56 Chibber Harree Lezayre Gill 1929; Paton Per Gill -'Harry's Well' or 'Colts' Well; sharree.
Per Paton - listed as 'Harres'. 57 Henry Kermode's Well West of Spaldrick Glen, near Port Erin Gill 1929 58 Chibber Hidee In the courtyard of Castle Rushen Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - 'Tide well'. Like Ballig Well, Conchan, it is said to rise and fall with the tide. 59 Chibber y Himma Ballafesson, Rushen Gill 1929 'Well of the ridge'. One of the numerous wells which 'never run dry'. 60 Howe Well (the) On the north side of the high road from Cregneish to Corvalley Gill 1929 The chief source of water for the neighbourhood 61 Chibber Inch Westward of Sulby Glen, between it and Ballaugh Glen, Lezayre Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - Purports to be a sacred well.
Per Paton - Listed as a sacred well. 62 John Caley's Well Ballacaley, Lezayre Gill 1929 Per Gill - A 'John Caley of the Well' is buried in Lexayre Churchyard in 1765. 63 John Caley's Well Cronk y Chuill, Lonan Gill 1929 64 Julia Morgan's Well Between the two Renshents on the Foxdale Road, Marown Gill 1929 Per Gill - Julia was the wife of an Irishman who lived in a cottage close by. 65 Kinley's Well Peel Gill 1929 Per Gill - The surname. 66 Chibber Kione Spainey Spanish Head, Rushen Gill 1929; Paton 1942 'Spanish Head well'. 67 Lady's Well At the top of Chapel Bay, Port St Mary Gill 1929 Per Gill - The 'Lady' in question is the Virgin Mary after whom the vanished chapel, once adjacent, and the present Port, were named. 68 Chibber Laish (or Lace) Ballaugh Curragh Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - 'Cure well'; 'lheihys'.
Per Paton - who lists this as a sacred well. 69 Chibber Lansh On the high ground west of Sulby Glen, Lezayre Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - It is mentioned in 'Feltham's Tour (1798).
Per Paton - who lists this as a sacred well. 70 Chibber Leaky Bradda, Rushen Gill 1929: Paton 1942 Per Gill - 'Falling water well'; 'lhieggey'. 71 Chibber Lieen The Mull, Rushen Gill 1929; Paton 1942 'Flax well'. 72 Chibber Lhiondaig The Mull, Rushen Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Lhiondaig' an even, grassy plot in a valley. This well is near Chibber Cronk Espart. 73 Chibber ny Lhargagh South of the Sloc, Rushen Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - 'Well of the slope'. 74 Lord Henry's Well On Laxey beach, about 1/4 mile SW of the harbour Gill 1929 Per Gill - Named after Lord Henry Murray, son of the Duke of Atholl. 75 Chibber y Lurchan On Balladhoo, NW of the Liverpool Arms Gill 1929 'Well of the hillside'. 76 Chibber Lieh-Laa aka Chibber Mun Laa aka Chibbyr Malaa At Cardle Veg, Maughold Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - 'Half-day well' or 'Mid-day well'. Near the ancient keeill and burial ground. 77 Chibber Maghal Maughold Gill 1929; Paton 1942 See St Maughold's Well (ref. 117) 78 Chibber Mappy At the side of the road going down to the Sound, Rushen Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - 'Mappy' (Martha) was the name of an old woman who lived near and used the well. 79 Moir ny Hushtaghyn Glen Rushen Gill 1929 'Mother of the Waters'. Unsure if this is a genuine Manx expression or was coined by Manx translators of the bible. 80 Chibber Mooar In one of the Glebe fields, Maughold village Gill 1929; Paton 1942 'Big Well'. 81 Chibber Morag On Rhenab, Maughold Gill 1929; Paton 1942 82 Chibber Naimey In the upper part of Surby Moor, Rushen Gill 1929; Paton 1942 83 Chibber Nalla (or Nulla) A roadside well in Ballarragh village, Lonan Gill 1929; Paton 1942 84 Nan Willy's Well Between the Chapel and the old Schoolhouse, Upper Sulby Glen
Gill 1929 85 Nancy's Well On the Magher Nancy, just below the south side of the high road, Bradda Mooar, Rushen
Gill 1929 Per Gill - It is now disused and consequently in a neglected state. 86 Chibber Neddy Hom Ruy Cregneish, Rushen Gill 1929; Paton 1942 'Red Neddy Tom's Well'.
87 Chibber Nell In a field called the C'nell(?), Ballarragh, Lonan Gill 1929 'Nell's Well'. 88 Chibber Nerrish By the haunted ford and footbridge on the Silverburn below the Whallag, Malew Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - (Possibly) 'Well of the Fairy' (ferrish). But perhaps a remoter etymon, such as 'feeayr-ushtey' (cold water), or the Gaelic 'fior-uisge' (fresh water), would be preferable. 89 Chibber Niglus Braddan Gill 1929 'St Nicholas' Well'.
90 Chibber Niglus On the shore below Cabbal Niglus, Laxey Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - '(St) Nicholas' Well'. Having been desecrated by bloodshed, was filled up many years ago."-(Mx. Archl. Survey Report, 1915.) Story wanted. The well was in use up to 1887, if not later.
Per Paton - this is listed as a sacred well. 91 Chibber Nink Ballaragh village, Lonan Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - A roadside well; it lies at the foot of land called 'The Carnanes', traditionally a battle-field. 92 Nunnery Well (the) The Nunnery, Douglas Gill 1929 See Chibber Vreeshey (144). 93 Chibber Ooinney or Chibber Uney Baldwin Gill 1929 Per Gill - Dedicated to St Ronan. 94 Chibber Pherick On Slieau Curn, Ballaugh Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - '(St) Patrick's Well'. 95 Chibbyr Pherick On Lhergey Grawe, east side of Glen Roy, Lonan Gill 1929; Juan Othigill 1910 Per Othigill - a wishing well. 96 Well Chester Farm, Kirk Michael imuseum Domestic well. 97 Chibber Pherick About 250 yards west of St Patrick's Chapel, Jurby Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - '(St) Patrick's Well'. Now filled in and drained.
Per Paton - this is listed as a sacred well.
98 Philowe's Well Gill 1929 See Bishop's Well (the) 99 Pooyl Hood East end of Cregneish Gill 1929 Per Gill - Formed by a spring and reserved with its trough, for the use of animals 100 Chibber Pooyl Sallagh On the NE slope of Cronk ny Irree Lhaa, Patrick Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per IOM Wells - The name looks like 'Well of the pool of the willow' but per Gill he states it is 'Muddy-pool well'. 101 Chibber ny Pot Between the Howe and Struan-snail, Port Erin Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - The well is said to be named from a pot with which it was furnished but more probably from its boggy site; 'pot' means soft ground. 102 Chibber y Punch On the Injebreck turf-grounds, Lezayre Gill 1929 Per Gill - Perhaps a corruption of 'Chibber y Phun', 'Well of the Sheepfold or Pound'. 103 Chibber ny Queig In the glen of the Killey, above Churchtown, Lezayre Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - 'Well of the Five'. The true form of the name may have had some other application that is now forgotten.
Per Paton - this is listed as a sacred well. 104 The Rag Well Near the top of Surby Mooar, Rushen Gill 1929 Per Gill - It must once have been a sacred well. It is also called the 'Fairy Well'. 105 The Rhyne Well At the chapel site and ancient burial ground, the Rhyne, Marown Gill 1929 Another case of a lost name and probably former sanctuary. 106 Chibber Rollin or Ollin Moore, Manx Names (1890) 107 Chibber Sanctan Close to Santon Church Gill 1929; Train 1798 Per IOM Wells - Rediscovered 2018. 108 St Mary's Well Jurby. About 170 yards south of the parish church Gill 1929 109 Chibber Woirrey At the west side of Ballaugh Old Church, near the rectory. Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Mary's Well' i.e. the Virgin Mary to whom the church is dedicated.
110 Chibber Woirrey Ballakoig, Ballaugh Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Mary's Well'. A fresh-water spring in the neighbourhood of low-water mark on the Ballakoig shore exposed only at neap tides.
111 Chibber Woirrey Ballafayle, Maughold Gill 1929 'Mary's Well' 112 Chibber Woirrey About 200 yards west of Ballastole house, Maughold Gill 1929 'Mary's Well' 113 Chibber Woirrey A little east of of Magher Breck House, Maughold Gill 1929 'Mary's Well' 114 Chibber y Woirrey About 300 yards west of the parsonage, Ramsey Gill 1929 'Mary's Well' 115 Chibber Woirrey On the site of Messrs Corlett & Cowley's Mills, South Ramsey (per Gill) Gill 1929 'Mary's Well' 116 Chibber y Wirra At the top of Close Clarke, Malew Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Mary's Well'. Contributes a trickle to the still slender Awin Ruy.
117 St Maughold's Well On the north face of Maughold Head Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Paton - this is listed as a sacred well. 118 Chibbyr Vael Near the Carn Vael (Michael's Cairn), Michael Gill 1929 '(St) Michael's Well' 119 Chibber Vael Near the ruins of Keeill Vael (St Michael's Chapel), Santon Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Michael's Well'. This well is not on Gills' well list but is found in the section on old roads and road lore. 120 Chibbyr Pherick aka the Big Well Above the railway station, Peel Gill 1929 Per Gill - Closed and built over about half a century ago. 121 Chibber Roney aka Chibbyr Oney Marown Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - who states this well is dedicated to St Ronan. 122 Trinity Well Kirk Christ, Rushen Gill 1929; Feltham 1798 Per Feltham - 'Near the church...'.
Per Gill - 'It is now undiscoverable and probably non-existent. 123 Chibber Scooie Ballamilghyn, Lonan Gill 1929 from Lord's Composition Book Per Gill - 'Continuing/Unfailing Well'. Domestic well, still in use in 1929. 124 Spooyt Phaddy or Fhaddy Lhergy Grawe, Lonan Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Paddy's Spout'. About 50 yards below Chibber Pherick (St Patrick's Well). 125 Spooyt Woodber Issues from the cliff beside the fine old house, once the chief inn of Port Erin Gill 1929 'Woodworth's Spout' 126 Chibber Strung Cregneish, Rushen Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Nose', the nicknamme of a man who lived near it. 127 Towl Dick Lezayre Gill 1929 'Dick's hole' 128 Towl ny Bet Bradda Mooar, Rushen Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Bet's Well'. Not striclty a well but formerly used as such. 129 Towl Meeney Bradda Gill 1929 'Mine-hole' 130 Chibbyr Unjin Near a nameless keeill site in
Grenaby, Malew Gill 1929; Paton 1942 Per Gill - 'Ash tree well' though he also queries the name 'Foundation Well'.
Per Paton - who states this is known to be a sacred well.
Per IOM Wells - very important well and much visited over centuries for its healing properties. Destroyed by tenant farmer 1899.
131 Dub ny Merroo On Bayr ny Merro (Road of the Dead), Bride Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Pool of the Dead'. Customary route for funerals.
132 Chibber Vainnagh Moore, Manx Names (1890) Per Gill - No location provided. It may be the same well as Chibber y Varnagh below. 133 Chibber y Varnagh In the gill, Glen Aldyn, Lezayre Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Well of the wart'. Used to cure warts, hence the name. 134 The Wart Well Stockfield, German Gill 1929 Per Gill - Used to cure warts, hence the name. 135 Chibber y Varkish Ballacottier, Bride Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Mark's Well'. 50 yards NW of Keeill Varkish. Now filled in and drained. 136 Chibber y Vaykish BMW - check entry 137 Chibber Vashtee On the narrow mountain track from Eairy Cushlan to Lag ny Keeilley, Patrick. About 100 yards north of the keeill Gill 1929 'Baptism Well' 138 Chibber y Vashtee The Barony, Maughold, a quarter of a mile NNE of Keeill Vael Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Baptism Well'. A recent visit reveals the regrettable fact that it has now been filled in. 139 Loughan Keeill Vael Adjacent to Keeill Vael, Maughold Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Christening Well' 140 Chibber Vear At the top of Glion ny Veay on the Southern slope of South Barrule Gill 1929 Per Gill - Possibly 'Road Well'. 141 Chibber Venten Port Erin. On the Glendown Road to Port St Mary Gill 1929 142 Chibber Vondy BMW check Chibbyr Unjin 143 Chibber Vreeshey On the western margin of Lough Cranstal, Bride Gill 1929 'Bridget's Well' 144 Chibber Vreeshey Near the Obelisk in the Nunnery grounds, Douglas Gill 1929 'Bridget's Well' 145 Chibber y Vrueh SE of Spaldrick Glen, Port Erin Gill 1929 'Well of the Bank' 146 Chibber y Vull A roadside well at Ballakillowey, Rushen Gill 1929 'Well of the Bull' 147 Wishing Well (the) Silverdale, Malew Gill 1929 Per Gill - A pretty little well by the Silverburn now turned into an 'attraction'. 148 Pooylvaash Spring Pooylvaash, Malew Gill 1929 Per Gill - A fresh-water spring on the shore at Pooylvaash. This spring is similar to Chibber y Wirra at Close Clarke, Malew (see ref.116). 149 Chibber Wushell On the highest point of the Calf, close to Thie Vushell (Bushell's House) Gill 1929 150 Yeaman's Well Opposite the top of Stanley Road, Peel IOMPRO map of Peel 1848; Gill 1929; imuseum Formerly used much by the community, it now no longer exists. 151 Chibber y Yett Between Cregneish and Corvalley, Rushen Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Well of the Road' 152 Yon's Well Near the Darragh, Port Erin Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'John's Well' 153 Chibber Yoan Mooir or Joan Mere Under the Chasms, Rushen Gill 1929 Per Gill - On the shore near the sea 154 Spring South Barrule Gill 1929 Per Gill - It can only be found once in a lifetime and is reported to have marvellous health-giving properties 155 Well It is in a streamlet at the lower corner of the Glebe, Old Lonan Church Gill 1929 Per Gill - It's name is no longer known but perhaps 'Chibber Vashtee' or 'Chibber Ownan'. The 'well' is actually formed in the bed of a streamlet by three large blocks of stone set on edge...'. 156 Spring Kerroodhoo, Dalby Gill 1929 157 Well Between Cregneish and the Howe Gill 1929, who mentions it from Roeder's MS Roeder states there are two wells, 'one each side of the higheway less than 20 yards apart...they flow in opposite directions...' 158 Well Between Cregneish and the Howe Gill 1929, who mentions it from Roeder's MS Roeder states there are two wells, 'one each side of the higheway less than 20 yards apart...they flow in opposite directions...' 159 Spa Well Ballabrooi, Braddan Gill 1929, Feltham 1798 Per Feltham, '...because of the inconvenience arising from the resort of company, it was blocked up'. 160 Spring Above the Crossage Bridge, Ballasalla Gill 1929 Per Gill - Scarcely more than a spider's thread, it has the power of granting a wish...' 161 Well Dreem Crammag, Lezayre Gill 1929 Per Gill - Acts as a barometer 162 Well Dreemlang, Marown Gill 1929, Brown's Guide to the IOM 1887 Gill has never seen 'this prodigy of a well' and found no evidence of its existence. It is reported to be built entirely of great blocks of quartz, some several tons in weight
163 Well The Lhergy, above Laxey village Gill 1929 Per Gill - 'Buried alive' a generation ago and it was concealed so well that when the villagers had need of it at a later date, they couldn't find it despite much digging 164 Well By a little stream, Baljean, Laxey Gill 1929 Per Gill - A 'Wishing Well' 165 Chibbyr Asbyrt Cregneish Paton 1942 Paton provides no other information 166 Bannaght Lezayre Paton 1942 Per Paton - 'Blessed Well'. 167 Chibbyr Chiggyrt Maughold Paton 1942 Paton provides no other information.
Per IOM Wells - there is a keeill in Maughold called Keeill Chiggyrt.
168 Chibbyr Claddagh Ballaugh Paton 1942 Paton provides no other information 169 Chibbyr Feeayr Rushen Paton 1942 Per Paton - 'Cold Well'.
170 Chibbyr Ferish Ballaugh Paton 1942 Paton provides no other information 171 Chibbyr Glass Ballaugh Paton 1942 Paton provides no other information 172 Chibbyr Karran Rushen Paton 1942 Paton provides no other information 173 Chibbyr Karrin Lezayre Paton 1942 Paton provides no other information 174 Chibbyr Keeilley Patrick Paton 1942 Paton provides no other information 175 Chibbyr Lattaig Maughold Paton 1942 Per Paton - who attaches a date to this entry of 1783. 176 Chibbyr Lheiy Ballaugh Paton 1942 Per Paton - 'Calf Well'. 177 Chibbyr Lhiondaig Rushen Paton 1942 Paton provides no other information 178 Chibbyr Niglus Patrick Paton 1942 Paton provides no other information 179 Chibbyr Pharick Bride Paton 1942 Paton provides no other information 180 Chibbyr ny Meilley Lonan Paton 1942 Paton provides no other information 181 Chibbyr Skoij Lonan Paton 1942 Per Paton - who attaches a date to this entry of 1703. 182 Chibbyr Slaynt Lezayre Paton 1942 Per Paton - 'Health Well'. He states this is known to be a sacred well. 183 Chibbyr Tushtagh Andreas Paton 1942 Per Paton - who states this is known to be a sacred well. 184 Chibbyr Unjin Bradda Paton 1942 Per Paton - 'Ash Tree Well'. 185 St Jacob's Well Grey Tower, Ballasalla Catalogue entry, May 1938, Letter re: the Holy Well of St Jacob, findings when cleaned out and use of the well. 186 Chibbyr Vreeshey near Keeill Vreeshey, Crosby (St) Bridget's Well. It was reportedly in a field below the keeil. 187 Ballakinnag Well Ballakinnag, Ballaugh Recorded as a stepped well. 188 Old Well(?) Tromode, Douglas imuseum The imuseum records the wording on the sketch as 'old well' but it looks more like 'old mill' 189 Well At the side of footpath below Ballaglass Glen car park Submitted by Katie Newton 190 Ridey-didey's Well Near the Braaid on a slope Manx Folk-life Survey. Submitted by Katie Newton. 191 Well Windsor Terrace, Douglas Manx Folk-life Survey. Submitted by Katie Newton. 192 Esther Garrett's Well Cronk-y-Voddy Healing well. BMW to check book. 193 Kermode Well 1 Castletown Mentioned by PMC Kermode in his papers and submitted by Katie Newton BMW to check and identify which one is referred to. 194 Well Park Llewellyn Submitted by Katie Newton Domestic well. 195 Well Injebreck, on unnamed farm Submitted by Katie Newton Possibly a domestic well. 196 Ballaskella Well Ballaskella, Sulby Submitted by Katie Newton Domestic well. 197 Well Ballagyr Road, Patrick Submitted by Katie Newton Roadside well. 198 Scotchie's Well Lower Foxdale imuseum Article on Antiquarians' Visit from Mona's Herald, 3 Sep 1957: Formerly supplied Lower Foxdale with drinking water is still preserved. 199 Billy McLean's Well At Billy McLean's house, rear of Waggett's Yard, Church Street, Ramsey imuseum The well was discovered in 1960. 200 Pump Castletown imuseum Catalogue entry found on imuseum 201 Village Pump Andreas imuseum Catalogue entry found on imuseum 202 Well Ballachurry House, Rushen imuseum Catalogue entry found on imuseum, early 20th century: Looking down into the well at the back of the house.
Per IOM Wells - well is not marked on first OS but there is a dam and sluice shown. 203 Well Unknown location imuseum Catalogue entry found on imuseum, late 19th century: Two boys drawing water from well. 204 Chibbyr Pherick The well is below Corrin's Folly/Tower, Peel Hill, Patrick Cashen 1912 Per Cashen - a holy and healing well.
Per IOM Wells - now neglected 205 Well On the track from Ballaugh Glen to Glen Dhoo Submitted by Brian Beattie Photograph held 206 Wishing Well Loch Promenade, Douglas imuseum Information from various newspaper articles. Well was offically handed over to the people of Douglas in May 1957. 207 The Monks' Well Silverdale Glen, Ballasalla imuseum 'Discovered' in 1902 after disuse and neglect. Today it is regularly visited. Public access. 208 Chibbyr Aspick Peel Castle, Peel imuseum Manx Sun newspaper article 1874 209 Laxey Wells Laxey district imuseum 1902 public inquiry re: provision for the disposal of sewage; supply of water for domestic purposes and discussion on the condition of some Laxey district wells. 210 Brick-lined Well Hanover Street/Lord Street, Douglas imuseum Catalogue entry found on imuseum; possibly an 18th century well discovered during sewage works in 1953. 211 Chibbyr Vaarley Ballakelly, Andreas Journal of the Manx Museum Well of the Robbers? Or possibly a nickname of the family who used the well. 212 Well Ballacowle Beg, Bride Journal of the Manx Museum Description of the cottage at Ballacowle beg includes a reference to a stepped well that served old Paaie Cala (Margaret Callow) 213 Well Raby Mooar, Patrick Vestigia Insulae Manniae Antiquiora 1860; Gill 1929 The well is not far from a keeill and rhullick and is reported to have curative properties. 214 Well Ballawyllin Farm, East Baldwin Submitted by owner A domestic well 215 Well Castletown Submitted by Castletown resident An uncharted well discovered March 2021. 216 Orryside Well Main Road, Colby Submitted by owner A domestic well that may have served the local community too. 217 Field Well Maughold Submitted by Christopher Porter A field well, near the A2 road, not recorded on the OS 218 Barley Dub Maughold Churchyard Gill 1963 Per Gill - A pool at the south end of Maughold churchyard between the fence and the embankment and near a well (now closed) and a chapel site. (See Lioar Manninagh, i. 386) 219 Creggan ny Chibbert On the West Berk, Michael Gill 1963 Per Gill - 'Rocky place of the well'. A tumulus is marked hereabouts on the OS. 220 Dem ny Tarroo Ushtey Above Booilley Velt gate, Maughold Gill 1963 Per Gill - now merely a boggy area lying on both sides of the road and river above Booilley Velt gate, but mostly on the SW side where there are traces of a causeway across it. 'Dam (hence pool) of the Water Bull.' 221 Dubba ny Sack Close to Faragher's Mill (presemably Mullenaragher on the Santon river) Gill 1963 Per Gill - 'Pool of the sacks'. A stream came from the 'dubba' to the mill. 222 Dub ny Hollach Maughold Gill 1963 Per Gill - 'Pool of the Cattle'. Under the water-slide in the gill, above Ballig Bridge, Maughold 223 Fairy Pool, the Lezayre Gill 1963 A deep place in the Ballacuberagh river, Lezayre, above the quarry. 224 Fountain The Promenade, Peel Submitted by Ber Weyde A public fountain, constructed in 1858. 225 Well Ballacallum Red Gates, Andreas Submitted by owner Beach stone lined well, probably for domestic use. 226 Well Goldies Loughan, Jurby East Submitted by owner A domestic well which was photographed in 1897 227 Well Ballachrink Croft, Ballacorey Road, Bride Submitted by owner Recently discovered during buildings works, the filled-in well is to be reinstated as a working well 228 Haunted Well Castletown imuseum Photograph catalogue entry on imuseum 229 Well Upper Ballahane Cottage, Port St Mary Submitted by owner A domestic well in its own private plot 230 Well Cregneash Submitted by Ber Weyde Impressive well with an equally impressive stile to access it 231 Well Cregneash Submitted by Ber Weyde Village well 232 Well Howe Road, Port St Mary Submitted by Ber Weyde Impressive D-shaped well, with stile and in a walled enclosure 233 Well? - Ushtey mie-halloo Appears to have been in the vicinity of the Silverburn Farm, Ballasalla Per Kneen (Place-names, 1925) 1703 Man. Roll 'Usta mahallow', Mx. Ushtey mie-halloo, ‘water of the good land.’ This may have been applied to a stream or well. 234 Well? Ballanahowe, Santon Submitted by Emilie Moss Personal recollection - "...when they were doing up the farm house at Ballnahowe, Santon, they found a well in the wall and have done something to try and preserve it." 235 Well Ballavarvane, St Marks Submitted by Emilie Moss Testimony of a well at the farmhouse 236 Well Ronague Submitted by Emilie Moss Stone built well that sadly appears to be the site of a tragedy 237 Well Bride Road, Lezayre Submitted by Dave Martin Possibly a domestic well 238 Well Governor's Road, Onchan Submitted by Amy Chie Probably a domestic well