Yeaman’s Well (150) – Peel
Yeaman’s Well, Peel.
Opposite the east end of Stanley Road, Peel. It is referred to as Yeoman’s Well in Corris’s plan of Peel, 1784.
“I’ve seen sthrings of us waitin’ for shawl [turn] at Yeaman’s Well.”
Probably the personal name Eamonn, Edmund. Ballayemmy, Marown, was “Baly Yeaman” in 1510-(Man. Roll.)
In an article about Manx-born actress Annie Yeamans (b. 1835 née Griffiths), the well is mentioned:
The well called Yeaman’s Well in Stanley-road, Peel, formerly much used by the townspeople, was, I have been told, named after a man or a family.
The well no longer exists but is indicated on the OS map.
NLS OS 25″ Sheet IX.2 Surveyed: 1868 Published: 1869
imuseum newspaper article.
1848 Plan of Peeltown, Isle of Man Public Record Office facebook page.
If you have any information on this well please contact me and quote well record number (150) as this will help identify which well you are referring too.
Yeaman’s Well